Monday, January 29, 2007

saarang '07 - IIT Saarang - rock show

went for rock show in saarang '07, IIT madras. my first live rock concert and that too with all my closest friends in college, all of them. actually i was the only one among them who listened to rock bands and western music but now i think all have become fan of rock lol. they've even started asking me songs so they can hear more. two bands who came to perform were merzin, a French band from Brittany, France, and junkyard groove a rapidly growing band from Chennai. heres a small clip from the night, its part of merzin's performance.


Anouschka Reitsma said...

Interesting to look a bit into the world of a real Indian person.. Usually when you hear something of Indian of Asian people, in Europe its about all the poverty there.. But you dont seem to look pour at all, but rather from regular standard.. Kinda like it.

Well, I would like to read about you some more.


Vivek Yadav said...

india is not about poverty. its gdp is the highest in the world among any democracy. i'll try to post more pictures from india to make people understand india how fast india is growing.

Anouschka Reitsma said...

appeciate it :) I think it's always good to learn from other cultures and countries. Espescially the Indian culture and country I find very captivating. So thank you for putting more pictures on your blog.

Have you ever been to Europe? Would you like to know about the country I live in? Well, I don't live in England.. Unfortunately, but in a rather small country called the Netherlands.. Ever heard of it?

Vivek Yadav said...

yeah of course i've heard netherlands. one of my friends visited it a year back and she said it was very beautiful country. would love to go there sometime. and no i've not been to europe.. actually not been outside india either till now.